#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #set important shell variables export PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin" #set default editor and pager. export EDITOR=nvim export VISUAL=nvim export PAGER=less #default options for less export LESS="-R" export LESSHISTFILE="/dev/null" #set the w3m homepage export WWW_HOME="duckduckgo.com/lite/" #web_search from terminal function web_search() { emulate -L zsh # define search engine URLS typeset -A urls urls=( ddg "https://www.duckduckgo.com/?q=" github "https://github.com/search?q=" ) # check whether the search engine is supported if [[ -z "$urls[$1]" ]]; then echo "Search engine $1 not supported." return 1 fi # search or go to main page depending on number of arguments passed if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then # build search url: # join arguments passed with '+', then append to search engine URL url="${urls[$1]}${(j:+:)@[2,-1]}" else # build main page url: # split by '/', then rejoin protocol (1) and domain (2) parts with '//' url="${(j://:)${(s:/:)urls[$1]}[1,2]}" fi open_command "$url" } #prompt autoload -U promptinit promptinit autoload -U colors colors #stuff to show git things. autoload -Uz vcs_info setopt prompt_subst precmd_vcs() {vcs_info} #when not in a repo, show full path to current directory. when in one, show path from base direcory of the repo. zstyle ':vcs_info:*' nvcsformats '%~' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats '%r/%S %F{green}[%b]%f' #the precmd function, called just before printing the prompt. function precmd() { precmd_vcs } #Make the right prompt blank, just to be sure. RPROMPT= #on the top line, show a whole bunch of info. botton line should be as minimal as possilbe (just a single char to input next to...) PROMPT='%F{cyan}[%n@%m]%f%F{red}├────┤%f${vcs_info_msg_0_} »' #show dots while waiting for tab-completion expand-or-complete-with-dots() { # toggle line-wrapping off and back on again [[ -n "$terminfo[rmam]" && -n "$terminfo[smam]" ]] && echoti rmam print -Pn "%{%F{red}......%f%}" [[ -n "$terminfo[rmam]" && -n "$terminfo[smam]" ]] && echoti smam zle expand-or-complete zle redisplay } zle -N expand-or-complete-with-dots bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete-with-dots #misc # Enable the ZLE line editor, which is default behavior, but to be sure setopt ZLE #Enable vi mode for the ZLE. it should be set by default due to our EDITOR and VISUAL, but this is just to be safe. bindkey -v # Sends cd commands without the need for 'cd' setopt AUTO_CD # Kill all child processes when we exit, dont leave them running unsetopt NO_HUP #Allows comments in interactive shell. setopt INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS # Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q usually disable/enable tty input. This disables those inputs unsetopt FLOW_CONTROL mkdir -p ~/.cache/zsh local zshCache=~/.cache/zsh #ZSH history #make a history file outside our home directory HISTFILE=$zshCache/history #save a lot of history SAVEHIST=1000 HISTSIZE=1000 #save more information in history setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY #share history among zsh sessions setopt APPEND_HISTORY setopt SHARE_HISTORY #skip dupes when going through history setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS #delete dupes first when histsize becomes full setopt HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST #dont write dupes of the last command to histfile setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS #write history file as we type setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY #remove extra whitespace from history setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS #autocomplete autoload -Uz compinit compinit #have the menu highlight while we cycle through options zstyle ':completion:*' menu select #case insensitive completion zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' #allow completion from midword setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD #move cursor to end of word after completing setopt ALWAYS_TO_END #complete aliases as well setopt COMPLETE_ALIASES #select first item when you press tab the first time. setopt MENU_COMPLETE #globbing #case insensitive globbing setopt NO_CASE_GLOB #sort globs that expand to numbers by number rather than alphabeticly setopt NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT #aliases alias vim="nvim" alias vimdiff="nvim -d" alias mutt="neomutt" alias fuck='sudo $(fc -ln -1)' alias la='ls -la' alias ll='ls -l' #web searches alias ddg='web_search ddg' alias github='web_search github' alias wiki='web_search ddg \!w' alias news='web_search ddg \!n' alias youtube='web_search ddg \!yt' alias map='web_search ddg \!m' alias image='web_search ddg \!i' #setup grep to be a bit more nice local GREP_OPTIONS="" # color grep results GREP_OPTIONS+=" --color=auto" # ignore VCS folders (if the necessary grep flags are available) local VCS_FOLDERS="{.bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn}" GREP_OPTIONS+=" --exclude-dir=$VCS_FOLDERS" GREP_OPTIONS+=" --exclude=$VCS_FOLDERS" # export grep settings alias grep="grep $GREP_OPTIONS"