{ configs, pkgs, ... }: { programs.nixvim = { globals = { mapleader = ";"; }; plugins.which-key.registrations = { "c" = "+check"; }; keymaps = [ { action = ":setlocal spell!"; key = "cs"; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "toggle spell check"; }; } { action = ":bnext"; key = "gf"; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "next buffer"; }; } { action = ":bprevious"; key = "gF"; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "prev buffer"; }; } { action = "h"; key = ""; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "move to right split"; }; } { action = "j"; key = ""; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "move to below split"; }; } { action = "k"; key = ""; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "move to above split"; }; } { action = "l"; key = ""; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "move to left split"; }; } { action = "za"; key = ""; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "toggle fold"; }; } { action = ":nohls"; key = "h"; mode = "n"; options = { silent = true; desc = "clear highlighting"; }; } ]; }; }