{ config, pkgs, ... }: { programs.starship.enableZshIntegration = true; programs.fzf.enableZshIntegration = true; programs.zoxide.enableZshIntegration = true; programs.yazi.enableZshIntegration = true; programs.direnv.enableZshIntegration = true; programs.kitty.shellIntegration.enableZshIntegration = true; services.gpg-agent.enableZshIntegration = true; programs.carapace.enableZshIntegration = false; programs.zsh = { enable = true; enableCompletion = true; initExtra = '' #have the menu highlight while we cycle through options zstyle ':completion:*' menu select #case insensitive completion zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' #allow completion from midword setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD #move cursor to end of word after completing setopt ALWAYS_TO_END #complete aliases as well setopt COMPLETE_ALIASES #select first item when you press tab the first time. setopt MENU_COMPLETE ''; autocd = true; history = { ignoreAllDups = true; extended = true; }; shellAliases = { ll = "ls -lh"; la = "-lha"; please = "sudo $(fc -ln -1)"; pyactivate = "source ./.venv/bin/activate"; }; syntaxHighlighting = { enable = true; highlighters = [ "main" "brackets" "pattern" "regexp" "cursor" "root" "line" ]; }; }; }