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Default is true. - # Limit: If the files should be listed, how many should be shown. - menu = [ - {Name = "About", URL = "/about/", HasChildren = false}, - {Name = "Posts", URL = "/posts/", Pre = "Recent", HasChildren = true, Limit = 3}, - ] - github_url = "https://github.com/gabevenberg" +[params.assets] +disableHLJS = true - # NOTE: If you don't want to use RSS, comment or delete the following lines - # Adds an RSS icon to the end of the socials which links to {{ .Site.BaseURL }}/index.xml - rss_icon = true - # Which section the RSS icon links to, defaults to all content. See https://gohugo.io/templates/rss/#section-rss - rss_section = "posts" +[params.homeInfoParams] +Title = "Gabe Venberg" +Content = """ +Mildly interesting things Ive done. +""" +[[params.socialIcons]] +name = "github" +url = "https://github.com/gabevenberg" +[[params.socialIcons]] +name = "gitea" +url = "https://git.venberg.xyz/Gabe" + +[[params.socialIcons]] +name = "Rss" +url = "index.xml" + +[[menu.main]] +name = "About" +url = "about" +weight = 1 + +[[menu.main]] +name = "Resume" +url = "resume" +weight = 1 + +[[menu.main]] +name = "Archive" +url = "archives" +weight = 2 + +[[menu.main]] +name = "Search" +url = "search" +weight = 3 + +[params.profileMode] +enabled = true +title = "Gabe Venberg" +imageUrl = "#" +imageTitle = "Gabe Venberg" + +[[params.profileMode.buttons]] +name = "About" +url = "about" + +[[params.profileMode.buttons]] +name = "Resume" +url = "resume" + +[[params.profileMode.buttons]] +name = "Posts" +url = "posts" + +[outputs] +home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON" ] [markup] - [markup.highlight] - anchorLineNos = false - codeFences = true - guessSyntax = false - hl_Lines = '' - hl_inline = false - lineAnchors = '' - lineNoStart = 1 - lineNos = true - lineNumbersInTable = true - noClasses = true - noHl = false - style = 'monokai' - tabWidth = 4 +[markup.highlight] +anchorLineNos = false +codeFences = true +guessSyntax = false +hl_Lines = '' +hl_inline = false +lineAnchors = '' +lineNoStart = 1 +lineNos = true +lineNumbersInTable = true +noClasses = true +noHl = false +style = 'monokai' +tabWidth = 4 + +[markup.tableOfContents] +endLevel = 5 +ordered = false +startLevel = 3 [security] diff --git a/syntax.css b/syntax.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2920331 --- /dev/null +++ b/syntax.css @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* Background */ .bg { color: #f8f8f2; 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