baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-us' title = 'Gabe Venberg' theme = 'poison' [params] brand = "Gabe Venberg" # name of your site - appears in the sidebar # brand_image = "/images/test.jpg" # path to the image shown in the sidebar description = "Technical projects I've been working on" # Used as default meta description if not specified in front matter dark_mode = true # optional - defaults to false # favicon = "favicon.png" # path to favicon (defaults to favicon.png) # MENU PLACEHOLDER # Menu dict keys: # Name: The name to display on the menu. # URL: The directory relative to the content directory. # HasChildren: If the directory's files should be listed. Default is true. # Limit: If the files should be listed, how many should be shown. menu = [ {Name = "About", URL = "/about/", HasChildren = false}, {Name = "Posts", URL = "/posts/", Pre = "Recent", HasChildren = true, Limit = 3}, ] github_url = "" # NOTE: If you don't want to use RSS, comment or delete the following lines # Adds an RSS icon to the end of the socials which links to {{ .Site.BaseURL }}/index.xml rss_icon = true # Which section the RSS icon links to, defaults to all content. See rss_section = "posts" [markup] [markup.highlight] anchorLineNos = false codeFences = true guessSyntax = false hl_Lines = '' hl_inline = false lineAnchors = '' lineNoStart = 1 lineNos = true lineNumbersInTable = true noClasses = true noHl = false style = 'monokai' tabWidth = 4 [security] enableInlineShortcodes = false [security.exec] allow = ["^dart-sass-embedded$", "^go$", "^npx$", "^postcss$", "^asciidoctor$"] osEnv = ["(?i)^(PATH|PATHEXT|APPDATA|TMP|TEMP|TERM|RUBYLIB)$"] [security.funcs] getenv = ["^HUGO_"] [security.http] methods = ["(?i)GET|POST"] urls = [".*"]