77 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
77 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/env python3
#takes directory, converts all .adoc files to html files, copying the resulting html files to an identical directory strucuture, and copies over all non .adoc files unchanged. Optionally outputs as a tar.gz file.
import subprocess, sys, argparse, logging, tempfile, shutil
from pathlib import Path
#logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='create a website directory structure by converting .adoc files in a directory strucutre to .html files.')
parser.add_argument('inputDir', type=Path, help='The directory of adoc files to be copied and converted.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=Path, help='What to name the generated directory or tar file')
parser.add_argument('-z', '--compress', action='store_true', help='whether to compress the resulting directory to a tar.gz file. can be usefull for scripting to transfer the site to a remote server.')
#set compress flag
if args.output != None and not args.compress:
#detect based on whether outFile has a .tar.gz filename.
if args.output.suffixes == ['.tar', '.gz']:
compress = True
compress = False
compress = args.compress
#If outfile was not set, set it.
if args.output == None:
outFile = args.inputDir.with_name(args.inputDir.name+'_compiled')
#add .tar.gz if compress is set and the outfile does not already have it.
if compress and outFile.suffixes != ['.tar', '.gz']:
logging.info(f'outFile was {outFile}, corrected because compress flag is set.')
outFile = outFile.with_suffix('.tar.gz')
if args.inputDir.resolve() == outFile.resolve():
raise FileExistsError('output file cannot have the same path as the input file!')
logging.debug(f'inputing from {args.inputDir.resolve()}')
logging.info(f'outputting to {outFile.resolve()}')
logging.debug(f'compress is {compress}')
return args.inputDir, outFile, compress
#Doing it in a tmpDir first, as some distrubutions put temp files on a ramdisk. this should speed up the operation sigificantly.
class TmpDir:
def __init__(self, srcDir):
self.tmpDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
logging.debug(f'making tmp file from {srcdir} at {tmpDir.name}')
self.path = self.tmpDir.name+'/data/'
self.ignorePattern = shutil.ignore_patterns('*.adoc', '.git', '.gitignore')
shutil.copytree(srcDir, self.path, ignore = self.ignorePattern, symlinks=False)
#copy out from tmpDir (which may be in RAM, depending on distrubution) to disk
def copy_self_to(self, destDir):
shutil.copytree(self.path, destDir, symlinks=False)
#copy out from tmpDir (which may be in RAM, depending on distrubution) to a compressed file on disk
def compress_and_copy_self_to(self, destPath):
#shutil.make_archive wants destPath to be without file extentions for some godforsaken reason.
destPath = Path(destPath.with_name(destPath.name.split('.')[0])).resolve()
logging.debug(f'outputting to {destPath}')
tarFile = shutil.make_archive(destPath, 'gztar', self.path)
def cleanup(self):
inputDir, outFile, compress = parse_arguments()
tmpdir = TmpDir(inputDir)