133 lines
4.4 KiB
133 lines
4.4 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import pathlib
import sys
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pprint import pprint
class Passport:
birthYear: int | None
issueYear: int | None
expirationYear: int | None
height: str | None
hairColor: str | None
eyeColor: str | None
passportId: str | None
countryId: str | None
def regexUnwrap(match, group:int)->str | None:
return match[group] if match is not None else None
def parse(puzzle_input: str)->list[Passport]:
"""Parse input"""
rawRecords = [i.replace('\n', ' ') for i in puzzle_input.split('\n\n')]
records = []
for rawRecord in rawRecords:
birthYear=re.search(r'byr:(\S+)', rawRecord)
issueYear=re.search(r'iyr:(\S+)', rawRecord)
expirationYear=re.search(r'eyr:(\S+)', rawRecord)
height=re.search(r'hgt:(\S+)', rawRecord)
hairColor=re.search(r'hcl:(\S+)', rawRecord)
eyeColor=re.search(r'ecl:(\S+)', rawRecord)
passportId=re.search(r'pid:(\S+)', rawRecord)
countryId=re.search(r'cid:(\S+)', rawRecord)
int(birthYear[1]) if birthYear is not None else None,
int(issueYear[1]) if issueYear is not None else None,
int(expirationYear[1]) if expirationYear is not None else None,
return records
def lazyCheckPassport(passport: Passport)->bool:
return (
passport.birthYear is not None
and passport.issueYear is not None
and passport.expirationYear is not None
and passport.height is not None
and passport.hairColor is not None
and passport.eyeColor is not None
and passport.passportId is not None
def part1(data):
"""Solve part 1"""
return sum(1 for record in data if lazyCheckPassport(record))
def checkBirthYear(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.birthYear is None: return False
return (1920<=passport.birthYear<=2002)
def checkIssueYear(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.issueYear is None: return False
return (2010<=passport.issueYear<=2020)
def checkExpirationYear(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.expirationYear is None: return False
return (2020<=passport.expirationYear<=2030)
def checkHeight(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.height is None: return False
rematch = re.match(r'(\d+)((?:in)|(?:cm))', passport.height)
if rematch is None: return False
number = int(rematch.group(1))
unit = rematch.group(2)
if unit == 'in':
return (59<=number<=76)
return (150<=number<=193)
def checkHairColour(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.hairColor is None: return False
return (re.match(r'#[0123456789abcdef]{6}$', passport.hairColor) is not None)
def checkEyeColour(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.eyeColor is None: return False
return (passport.eyeColor == 'amb'
or passport.eyeColor == 'blu'
or passport.eyeColor == 'brn'
or passport.eyeColor == 'gry'
or passport.eyeColor == 'grn'
or passport.eyeColor == 'hzl'
or passport.eyeColor == 'oth'
def checkPassportId(passport: Passport)->bool:
if passport.passportId is None: return False
return (re.match(r'[0-9]{9}$', passport.passportId) is not None)
def checkPassport(passport: Passport)->bool:
return (checkBirthYear(passport)
and checkIssueYear(passport)
and checkExpirationYear(passport)
and checkHeight(passport)
and checkHairColour(passport)
and checkEyeColour(passport)
and checkPassportId(passport)
def part2(data):
"""Solve part 2"""
return sum(1 for record in data if checkPassport(record))
def solve(puzzle_input):
"""Solve the puzzle for the given input"""
data = parse(puzzle_input)
solution1 = part1(data)
solution2 = part2(data)
return solution1, solution2
if __name__ == "__main__":
for path in sys.argv[1:]:
puzzle_input = pathlib.Path(path).read_text().strip()
solutions = solve(puzzle_input)
print("\n".join(str(solution) for solution in solutions))