
174 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-03-19 16:57:23 -05:00
}: {
programs.nixvim = {
enable = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
colorschemes.base16 = {
colorscheme = "gruvbox-dark-medium";
enable = true;
options = {
mouse = "a";
lazyredraw = true;
termguicolors = true;
autoread = true;
swapfile = false;
history = 500;
formatoptions = "rojq";
# dont hard wrap
textwidth = 0;
wrapmargin = 0;
breakindent = true;
# highlight after col
colorcolumn = "80,100,120";
# add ruler to side of screen
number = true;
numberwidth = 3;
#display cursor cordinates
ruler = true;
#always leave 5 cells between cursor and side of window
scrolloff = 5;
# better command line completion
wildmenu = true;
# ignore case if all lowercase
ignorecase = true;
smartcase = true;
# show unfinished keycombos in statusbar
showcmd = true;
# regex stuff
magic = true;
# always show statusline
laststatus = 2;
# tab stuff
tabstop = 4;
shiftwidth = 0;
autoindent = true;
smartindent = true;
smarttab = true;
# for true tabs, change to false
expandtab = true;
softtabstop = -1;
# highlight search results as you type
hlsearch = true;
incsearch = true;
# folding stuff
foldlevelstart = 5;
foldmethod = "indent";
foldcolumn = "auto:4";
foldenable = true;
# display whitespace as other chars
list = true;
listchars = {
tab = ">-";
eol = "";
nbsp = "";
trail = "";
extends = "";
precedes = "";
showbreak = "";
clipboard.providers.xsel.enable = true;
globals = {
mapleader = ";";
keymaps = [
action = ":setlocal spell!<CR>";
key = "<leader>cs";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "toggle spell check";
action = ":bnext<CR>";
key = "gf";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "next buffer";
action = ":bprevious<CR>";
key = "gF";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "prev buffer";
action = "<C-w>h";
key = "<C-h>";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "move to right split";
action = "<C-w>j";
key = "<C-j>";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "move to below split";
action = "<C-w>k";
key = "<C-k>";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "move to above split";
action = "<C-w>l";
key = "<C-l>";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "move to left split";
action = "za";
key = "<Space>";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "toggle fold";
action = ":nohls<CR>";
key = "<leader>h";
mode = "n";
options = {
silent = true;
desc = "clear highlighting";
imports = [