This does not list the package manager dependencies of the programs the dotfiles are for, but any extra dependencies that are needed for the specific configuration.
### Whole-repo
GNU stow is used to manage individual dotfiles 'packages'.
setup to use Hack Nerd Font (`ttf-hack-nerd`) for an icon-rich font, needed for the full nvim and for yazi. Can easily be changed to any other nerd-font patched font.
you dont need a patched Nerd Font, normal `ttf-cascadia-code` combined with `ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols` will do. Can also change what font is used easily, but always needs the nerd-font symbols.
currently uses vifm, but I really need to change that
### Vifm
* zathura
* poppler
* w3m
### Khal and Khard:
both require the vdirsyncer program and config.
### vdirsyncer
Dont use the config unmodified, as it currently points to my server, you will need to replace the relevant urls and usernames. Also, you will need pass installed and with your password set on your nextcloud domain.