modified screen brightness shortcuts.

This commit is contained in:
Gabe Venberg 2021-11-17 01:13:35 -06:00
parent fabf67c4f9
commit 3992946c98

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@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8
bindsym $mod+shift+c exec --no-startup-id "xset +dpms; notify-send --expire-time=500 'screen blanking on'" bindsym $mod+shift+c exec --no-startup-id "xset +dpms; notify-send --expire-time=500 'screen blanking on'"
# change brightness # change brightness
bindsym $mod+plus exec --no-startup-id "xbacklight -inc 10; notify-send --expire-time=500 Brightness\ $(xbacklight -get | cut --delimiter=. -f 1)" bindsym $mod+control+plus exec --no-startup-id "xbacklight -inc 10; notify-send --expire-time=500 Brightness\ $(xbacklight -get | cut --delimiter=. -f 1)"
bindsym $mod+minus exec --no-startup-id "xbacklight -dec 10; notify-send --expire-time=500 Brightness\ $(xbacklight -get | cut --delimiter=. -f 1)" bindsym $mod+control+minus exec --no-startup-id "xbacklight -dec 10; notify-send --expire-time=500 Brightness\ $(xbacklight -get | cut --delimiter=. -f 1)"
#screenshot everything with mod+s, current window with mod+shift+s #screenshot everything with mod+s, current window with mod+shift+s
bindsym $mod+s exec --no-startup-id "maim ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png" bindsym $mod+s exec --no-startup-id "maim ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png"