added notification bars to playerctl notifications.
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,30 +184,30 @@ smart_borders on
bindsym $mod+shift+x exec --no-startup-id "$lock_command"; exec --no-startup-id "systemctl suspend"
bindsym $mod+shift+x exec --no-startup-id "$lock_command"; exec --no-startup-id "systemctl suspend"
# disable screen going to sleep with mod+b, enable screen going to sleep with mod+shift+b
# disable screen going to sleep with mod+b, enable screen going to sleep with mod+shift+b
bindsym $mod+b exec --no-startup-id "xset s off -dpms; notify-send --expire-time=500 'screen blanking off'"
bindsym $mod+b exec --no-startup-id "xset s off -dpms; dunstify --timeout=500 'screen blanking off'"
bindsym $mod+shift+b exec --no-startup-id "xset +dpms; notify-send --expire-time=500 'screen blanking on'"
bindsym $mod+shift+b exec --no-startup-id "xset +dpms; dunstify --timeout=500 'screen blanking on'"
# change brightness
# change brightness
bindsym $mod+control+plus exec --no-startup-id "brightnessctl s +1%; notify-send -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:brightness --expire-time=500 Brightness\ $(brightnessctl -m| cut --delimiter=, -f 4)"
bindsym $mod+control+plus exec --no-startup-id "brightnessctl s +1%; dunstify -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:brightness --timeout=500 Brightness\ $(brightnessctl -m| cut --delimiter=, -f 4)"
bindsym $mod+control+minus exec --no-startup-id "brightnessctl s 1%-; notify-send -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:brightness --expire-time=500 Brightness\ $(brightnessctl -m| cut --delimiter=, -f 4)"
bindsym $mod+control+minus exec --no-startup-id "brightnessctl s 1%-; dunstify -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:brightness --timeout=500 Brightness\ $(brightnessctl -m| cut --delimiter=, -f 4)"
#screenshot everything with mod+s, current window with mod+shift+s, selection with mod+ctrl+s
#screenshot everything with mod+s, current window with mod+shift+s, selection with mod+ctrl+s
bindsym $mod+s exec --no-startup-id "maim ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png; notify-send --expire-time=1000 'Whole-desktop screenshot taken'"
bindsym $mod+s exec --no-startup-id "maim ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png; dunstify --timeout=1000 'Whole-desktop screenshot taken'"
bindsym $mod+shift+s exec --no-startup-id "maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png; notify-send --expire-time=1000 'Window screenshot taken'"
bindsym $mod+shift+s exec --no-startup-id "maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png; dunstify --timeout=1000 'Window screenshot taken'"
bindsym $mod+ctrl+s exec --no-startup-id "maim -s ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png; notify-send --expire-time=1000 'Selection screenshot taken'"
bindsym $mod+ctrl+s exec --no-startup-id "maim -s ~/Pictures/$(date +%s).png; dunstify --timeout=1000 'Selection screenshot taken'"
#screenshot everything with mod+c, current window with mod+shift+c, selection with mod+ctrl+c (to clipboard)
#screenshot everything with mod+c, current window with mod+shift+c, selection with mod+ctrl+c (to clipboard)
bindsym $mod+c exec --no-startup-id "maim | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png; notify-send --expire-time=1000 'Whole-desktop screenshot taken to clipboard'"
bindsym $mod+c exec --no-startup-id "maim | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png; dunstify --timeout=1000 'Whole-desktop screenshot taken to clipboard'"
bindsym $mod+shift+c exec --no-startup-id "maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png; notify-send --expire-time=1000 'Window screenshot taken to clipboard'"
bindsym $mod+shift+c exec --no-startup-id "maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png; dunstify --timeout=1000 'Window screenshot taken to clipboard'"
bindsym $mod+ctrl+c exec --no-startup-id "maim -s | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png; notify-send --expire-time=1000 'Selection screenshot taken to clipboard'"
bindsym $mod+ctrl+c exec --no-startup-id "maim -s | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png; dunstify --timeout=1000 'Selection screenshot taken to clipboard'"
#colour picker with xcolor
#colour picker with xcolor
bindsym --release $mod+p exec --no-startup-id "xcolor -s"
bindsym --release $mod+p exec --no-startup-id "xcolor -s"
#mpd controls
#mpd controls
bindsym $mod+mod1+p exec --no-startup-id "playerctl play-pause"
bindsym $mod+mod1+p exec --no-startup-id "playerctl play-pause; dunstify -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:playerstatus --timeout=500 Player $(playerctl status)"
bindsym $mod+mod1+plus exec --no-startup-id "playerctl volume -- +0.1; notify-send -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:playervol --expire-time=500 Player $(playerctl volume)"
bindsym $mod+mod1+plus exec --no-startup-id "playerctl volume 0.01+; dunstify -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:volume --timeout=500 -h int:value:$(playerctl volume | cut -d' ' -f2 | awk '{print $1*100}' ) Player"
bindsym $mod+mod1+minus exec --no-startup-id "playerctl volume -- -0.1; notify-send -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:playervol --expire-time=500 Player $(playerctl volume)"
bindsym $mod+mod1+minus exec --no-startup-id "playerctl volume 0.01-; dunstify -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:volume --timeout=500 -h int:value:$(playerctl volume | cut -d' ' -f2 | awk '{print $1*100}' ) Player"
#open volume control
#open volume control
bindsym $mod+shift+p exec pavucontrol
bindsym $mod+shift+p exec pavucontrol
Reference in a new issue