added colourscheme to kitty.

This commit is contained in:
Gabe Venberg 2023-11-02 19:20:28 -05:00
parent 2c0814cadd
commit c18108da45
31 changed files with 845 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #202020
foreground #d0d0d0
cursor #d0d0d0
selection_background #303030
color0 #151515
color8 #505050
color1 #ac4142
color9 #ac4142
color2 #7e8d50
color10 #7e8d50
color3 #e5b566
color11 #e5b566
color4 #6c99ba
color12 #6c99ba
color5 #9e4e85
color13 #9e4e85
color6 #7dd5cf
color14 #7dd5cf
color7 #d0d0d0
color15 #f5f5f5
selection_foreground #202020

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0f160f
foreground #637d75
cursor #73f990
selection_background #1d4025
color0 #112615
color8 #3c4711
color1 #7f2b26
color9 #df8008
color2 #2f7e25
color10 #18e000
color3 #707f23
color11 #bde000
color4 #2f697f
color12 #00a9df
color5 #47577e
color13 #0058df
color6 #317f76
color14 #00dfc3
color7 #647d75
color15 #73f990
selection_foreground #0f160f

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1c1c1c
foreground #ddeedd
cursor #e2bbef
selection_background #4d4d4d
color0 #3d352a
color8 #554444
color1 #cd5c5c
color9 #cc5533
color2 #86af80
color10 #88aa22
color3 #e8ae5b
color11 #ffa75d
color4 #6495ed
color12 #87ceeb
color5 #deb887
color13 #996600
color6 #b0c4de
color14 #b0c4de
color7 #bbaa99
color15 #ddccbb
selection_foreground #1c1c1c

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #40318d
foreground #7869c4
cursor #7869c4
selection_background #7869c4
color0 #090300
color8 #000000
color1 #883932
color9 #883932
color2 #55a049
color10 #55a049
color3 #bfce72
color11 #bfce72
color4 #40318d
color12 #40318d
color5 #8b3f96
color13 #8a3e95
color6 #67b6bd
color14 #67b6bd
color7 #ffffff
color15 #f7f7f7
selection_foreground #40318d

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1e1f28
foreground #f8f8f2
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #44475a
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #ff5555
color9 #ff5454
color2 #50fa7b
color10 #50fa7b
color3 #f0fa8b
color11 #f0fa8b
color4 #bd92f8
color12 #bd92f8
color5 #ff78c5
color13 #ff78c5
color6 #8ae9fc
color14 #8ae9fc
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #1e1f28

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1c2836
foreground #ffffff
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #b4d5ff
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #f9555f
color9 #fa8b8e
color2 #20af89
color10 #34bb99
color3 #fdf029
color11 #ffff55
color4 #589cf5
color12 #589cf5
color5 #934d95
color13 #e75598
color6 #1e9ee6
color14 #3978bb
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #1c2836

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Theme ported from the Mac Terminal application.
background #000000
foreground #00ff00
cursor #23ff18
selection_background #083905
color0 #000000
color8 #666666
color1 #990000
color9 #e50000
color2 #00a600
color10 #00d900
color3 #999900
color11 #e5e500
color4 #0000b2
color12 #0000ff
color5 #b200b2
color13 #e500e5
color6 #00a6b2
color14 #00e5e5
color7 #bebebe
color15 #e5e5e5
selection_foreground #000000

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #2f2f2f
foreground #afc2c2
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #7cbeff
color0 #000000
color8 #000000
color1 #ff2f2f
color9 #ff2f2f
color2 #549a6f
color10 #549a6f
color3 #ccac00
color11 #ccac00
color4 #0099cc
color12 #0099cc
color5 #cc68c8
color13 #cc68c8
color6 #79c4cc
color14 #79c4cc
color7 #bccccc
color15 #bccccc
selection_foreground #2f2f2f

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #eaeaea
foreground #222221
cursor #16aec9
selection_background #c1c1c1
color0 #212121
color8 #424242
color1 #b7141e
color9 #e83a3f
color2 #457b23
color10 #7aba39
color3 #f5971d
color11 #fee92e
color4 #134eb2
color12 #53a4f3
color5 #550087
color13 #a94dbb
color6 #0e707c
color14 #26bad1
color7 #eeeeee
color15 #d8d8d8
selection_foreground #eaeaea

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #222221
foreground #e4e4e4
cursor #16aec9
selection_background #dedede
color0 #212121
color8 #424242
color1 #b7141e
color9 #e83a3f
color2 #457b23
color10 #7aba39
color3 #f5971d
color11 #fee92e
color4 #134eb2
color12 #53a4f3
color5 #550087
color13 #a94dbb
color6 #0e707c
color14 #26bad1
color7 #eeeeee
color15 #d8d8d8
selection_foreground #222221

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Monokai
background #272822
foreground #f8f8f2
cursor #f8f8f2
selection_background #f8f8f2
selection_foreground #272822
active_tab_background #75715e
active_tab_foreground #272822
active_border_color #75715e
inactive_tab_background #272822
inactive_tab_foreground #75715e
inactive_border_color #75715e
url_color #f8f8f2
# 16 Color Space
# black
color0 #272822
color8 #75715e
# red
color1 #f92672
color9 #f92672
# green
color2 #a6e22e
color10 #a6e22e
# yellow
color3 #e6db74
color11 #e6db74
# blue
color4 #66d9ef
color12 #66d9ef
# magenta
color5 #fd971f
color13 #fd971f
# cyan
color6 #ae81ff
color14 #ae81ff
# white
color7 #f8f8f2
color15 #f8f8f2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #3b3c35
foreground #fdfff1
cursor #fdfff1
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #3b3c35
selection_background #fdfff1
# dull black
color0 #3b3c35
# light black
color8 #6e7066
# dull red
color1 #f82570
# light red
color9 #f82570
# dull green
color2 #a6e12d
# light green
color10 #a6e12d
# yellow
color3 #e4db73
# light yellow
color11 #e4db73
# blue
color4 #fc961f
# light blue
color12 #fc961f
# magenta
color5 #ae81ff
# light magenta
color13 #ae81ff
# cyan
color6 #66d9ee
# light cyan
color14 #66d9ee
# dull white
color7 #fdfff1
# bright white
color15 #fdfff1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #403e41
foreground #fcfcfa
cursor #fcfcfa
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #403e41
selection_background #fcfcfa
# dull black
color0 #403e41
# light black
color8 #727072
# dull red
color1 #ff6188
# light red
color9 #ff6188
# dull green
color2 #a9dc76
# light green
color10 #a9dc76
# yellow
color3 #ffd866
# light yellow
color11 #ffd866
# blue
color4 #fc9867
# light blue
color12 #fc9867
# magenta
color5 #ab9df2
# light magenta
color13 #ab9df2
# cyan
color6 #78dce8
# light cyan
color14 #78dce8
# dull white
color7 #fcfcfa
# bright white
color15 #fcfcfa

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #3a4449
foreground #f2fffc
cursor #f2fffc
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #3a4449
selection_background #f2fffc
# dull black
color0 #3a4449
# light black
color8 #6b7678
# dull red
color1 #ff6d7e
# light red
color9 #ff6d7e
# dull green
color2 #a2e57b
# light green
color10 #a2e57b
# yellow
color3 #ffed72
# light yellow
color11 #ffed72
# blue
color4 #ffb270
# light blue
color12 #ffb270
# magenta
color5 #baa0f8
# light magenta
color13 #baa0f8
# cyan
color6 #7cd5f1
# light cyan
color14 #7cd5f1
# dull white
color7 #f2fffc
# bright white
color15 #f2fffc

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #3a3d4b
foreground #eaf2f1
cursor #eaf2f1
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #3a3d4b
selection_background #eaf2f1
# dull black
color0 #3a3d4b
# light black
color8 #696d77
# dull red
color1 #ff657a
# light red
color9 #ff657a
# dull green
color2 #bad761
# light green
color10 #bad761
# yellow
color3 #ffd76d
# light yellow
color11 #ffd76d
# blue
color4 #ff9b5e
# light blue
color12 #ff9b5e
# magenta
color5 #c39ac9
# light magenta
color13 #c39ac9
# cyan
color6 #9cd1bb
# light cyan
color14 #9cd1bb
# dull white
color7 #eaf2f1
# bright white
color15 #eaf2f1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #403838
foreground #fff1f3
cursor #fff1f3
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #403838
selection_background #fff1f3
# dull black
color0 #403838
# light black
color8 #72696a
# dull red
color1 #fd6883
# light red
color9 #fd6883
# dull green
color2 #adda78
# light green
color10 #adda78
# yellow
color3 #f9cc6c
# light yellow
color11 #f9cc6c
# blue
color4 #f38d70
# light blue
color12 #f38d70
# magenta
color5 #a8a9eb
# light magenta
color13 #a8a9eb
# cyan
color6 #85dacc
# light cyan
color14 #85dacc
# dull white
color7 #fff1f3
# bright white
color15 #fff1f3

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #363537
foreground #f7f1ff
cursor #f7f1ff
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #363537
selection_background #f7f1ff
# dull black
color0 #363537
# light black
color8 #69676c
# dull red
color1 #fc618d
# light red
color9 #fc618d
# dull green
color2 #7bd88f
# light green
color10 #7bd88f
# yellow
color3 #fce566
# light yellow
color11 #fce566
# blue
color4 #fd9353
# light blue
color12 #fd9353
# magenta
color5 #948ae3
# light magenta
color13 #948ae3
# cyan
color6 #5ad4e6
# light cyan
color14 #5ad4e6
# dull white
color7 #f7f1ff
# bright white
color15 #f7f1ff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #273032
foreground #cccccc
cursor #c0cad0
selection_background #3d4b4e
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #a50001
color9 #ff0003
color2 #00bb00
color10 #92c763
color3 #fecc22
color11 #fef773
color4 #399bda
color12 #a0d6ff
color5 #bb00bb
color13 #ff55ff
color6 #00bbbb
color14 #55ffff
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #273032

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #08131a
foreground #deb88d
cursor #fba02f
selection_background #1e4862
color0 #17384c
color8 #424b52
color1 #d05023
color9 #d38677
color2 #027b9b
color10 #618c98
color3 #fba02f
color11 #fdd29e
color4 #1d4850
color12 #1abcdd
color5 #68d3f0
color13 #bbe3ee
color6 #50a3b5
color14 #86abb3
color7 #deb88d
color15 #fee3cd
selection_foreground #08131a

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #243335
foreground #d3e6d3
cursor #576379
selection_background #ffffff
color0 #747474
color8 #8a8a8a
color1 #825d4c
color9 #cf9279
color2 #718b62
color10 #98d9aa
color3 #aca06d
color11 #fae69c
color4 #4c7b82
color12 #79c3cf
color5 #8a7166
color13 #d6b2a0
color6 #719494
color14 #acdfdf
color7 #dfdfdf
color15 #dfdfdf
selection_foreground #243335

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #111213
foreground #cacecd
cursor #e2be21
selection_background #303233
color0 #323232
color8 #323232
color1 #c22832
color9 #c22832
color2 #8ec43d
color10 #8ec43d
color3 #e0c64f
color11 #e0c64f
color4 #43a5d5
color12 #43a5d5
color5 #8b57b5
color13 #8b57b5
color6 #8ec43d
color14 #8ec43d
color7 #eeeeee
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #111213

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #212121
foreground #34b0d2
cursor #87d2c3
selection_background #0f3754
color0 #212121
color8 #ffffff
color1 #e1a7bf
color9 #ffccd8
color2 #80d778
color10 #bdffa8
color3 #c4c9bf
color11 #d0cbc9
color4 #254a49
color12 #79afd2
color5 #a380d3
color13 #c4a7d8
color6 #14ab9c
color14 #8bdee0
color7 #02c4e0
color15 #e0e0e0
selection_foreground #212121

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #3d3f41
foreground #d2d8d9
cursor #708183
selection_background #214283
color0 #25292a
color8 #25292a
color1 #f24840
color9 #f24840
color2 #629655
color10 #629655
color3 #b68800
color11 #b68800
color4 #2074c7
color12 #2074c7
color5 #797fd4
color13 #797fd4
color6 #15968d
color14 #15968d
color7 #d2d8d9
color15 #d2d8d9
selection_foreground #3d3f41

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #001e26
foreground #708183
cursor #708183
selection_background #002731
color0 #002731
color8 #001e26
color1 #d01b24
color9 #bd3612
color2 #728905
color10 #465a61
color3 #a57705
color11 #52676f
color4 #2075c7
color12 #708183
color5 #c61b6e
color13 #5856b9
color6 #259185
color14 #81908f
color7 #e9e2cb
color15 #fcf4dc
selection_foreground #001e26

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #fdf6e3
foreground #52676f
cursor #52676f
selection_background #e9e2cb
color0 #e4e4e4
color8 #ffffd7
color1 #d70000
color9 #d75f00
color2 #5f8700
color10 #585858
color3 #af8700
color11 #626262
color4 #0087ff
color12 #808080
color5 #af005f
color13 #5f5faf
color6 #00afaf
color14 #8a8a8a
color7 #262626
color15 #1c1c1c
selection_foreground #fcf4dc

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0a1e24
foreground #ecefc1
cursor #708183
selection_background #0a385c
color0 #6e5246
color8 #674c31
color1 #e35a00
color9 #ff8a39
color2 #5cab96
color10 #adcab8
color3 #e3cd7b
color11 #ffc777
color4 #0e548b
color12 #67a0cd
color5 #e35a00
color13 #ff8a39
color6 #06afc7
color14 #83a6b3
color7 #f0f1ce
color15 #fefff0
selection_foreground #0a1e24

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #300a24
foreground #eeeeec
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #b4d5ff
color0 #2e3436
color8 #555753
color1 #cc0000
color9 #ef2929
color2 #4e9a06
color10 #8ae234
color3 #c4a000
color11 #fce94f
color4 #3465a4
color12 #729fcf
color5 #75507b
color13 #ad7fa8
color6 #06989a
color14 #34e2e2
color7 #d3d7cf
color15 #eeeeec
selection_foreground #300a24

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# gruvbox dark by morhetz,
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see
background #282828
foreground #ebdbb2
cursor #928374
selection_foreground #928374
selection_background #3c3836
color0 #282828
color8 #928374
# red
color1 #cc241d
# light red
color9 #fb4934
# green
color2 #98971a
# light green
color10 #b8bb26
# yellow
color3 #d79921
# light yellow
color11 #fabd2d
# blue
color4 #458588
# light blue
color12 #83a598
# magenta
color5 #b16286
# light magenta
color13 #d3869b
# cyan
color6 #689d6a
# lighy cyan
color14 #8ec07c
# light gray
color7 #a89984
# dark gray
color15 #928374

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# gruvbox light by morhetz,
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see
background #fbf1c7
foreground #3c3836
cursor #928374
selection_foreground #3c3836
selection_background #928374
color0 #fbf1c7
color8 #282828
# red
color1 #cc241d
# light red
color9 #9d0006
# green
color2 #98971a
# light green
color10 #79740e
# yellow
color3 #d79921
# light yellow
color11 #b57614
# blue
color4 #458588
# light blue
color12 #076678
# magenta
color5 #b16286
# light magenta
color13 #8f3f71
# cyan
color6 #689d6a
# lighy cyan
color14 #427b58
# light gray
color7 #7c6f64
# dark gray
color15 #928374

View file

@ -2375,3 +2375,4 @@ enable_audio_bell no
#: }}}
#: }}}
include gruvbox_dark.conf

View file

@ -363,6 +363,6 @@ require('lazy').setup({
lazy = true,