\item Built several personal computers, giving me valuable experience with physical maintenance.
\item Use a Linux OS on a daily basis, giving me experience with the use and maintenance of UNIX-based systems.
\item Use the Linux command line (ZSH) as my primary interface, making me comfortable in situations where a graphical user interface may not be available.
\item Run a small webserver on a Raspberry Pi, including a Nextcloud instance, giving me some experience in web administration and management.
%\item Run a small homelab hosting Gittea, Nextcloud, and a static NGINX website, giving me some experience with network administation.
%\item Experience with ansible, SSH key management, NGINX reverse proxies, pf sense, openwrt, promox, lxd contianers, and docker.
\textsl{2018}& Student representative for Minnesota State College Association Technology Council\\
\textsl{2019}& Represent the student bodies of two year colleges in the Minnesota State Technology council in deciding on technology related policy and procedures.\\
\textsl{2017}& LeadMN Platform Committee representative for west central region\\
\textsl{2019}& Represented ATCC, St.\ Cloud Tech, and Ridgewater Tech for LeadMN by serving on the committee in charge of LeadMN's platform document.\\
\textsl{2012}&Growing up in an international setting (Chad, Africa) has served to provide me with a diverse life experience rich in cross-cultural exposure.\\
\textsl{Aug 2016}& AA from Alexandria Technical and Community College\\
\textsl{May 2020}&\textsc{gpa} 3.3\\
&\textsl{Subjects Studied}
%\item Drafting and detailing
%\item AutoCAD and AutoDesk Inventor
\item Mathematics up to Calc I
\item Technical and Creative writing
\textsl{Start Aug 2020}& Bachelors in Computer Science at NDSU\\
& Will be studying Computer Science at North Dakota State University starting in August 2020