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2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
\pagestyle{empty}%non numbered pages
\section*{Gabe Venberg}
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
%\textsc{Address:} & 202 6 Ave N Appt 327 Fargo ND 58102\\
2020-05-31 21:31:29 -05:00
\textsc{Phone:} & (218) 517-0917\\
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
\textsc{Email:} & \href{}{}\\
\textsc{GitHub:} & \href{}{}\\
\textsc{Personal Git server:} & \href{}{}\\
%\textsc{Website:} & \href{}{}\\
\section*{Work Experience}
\textsl{Current} & \textsc{Bytespeed}\\
\textsl{Jun 2021} & \emph{Computer Technician}\\
& Performed troubleshooting and repair on RMA computers, as well as helping customers over email, phone, and instant messaging.\\
\textsl{Sep 2020} & \textsc{NDSU Precision Agriculture Center}\\
\textsl{May 2021} & \emph{Junior Developer}\\
& Developing methods of preprocessing LIDAR data with python for predicting crop yield using machine learning.\\
\textsl{May 2019} & \textsc{Integrated Networking}\\
\textsl{Aug 2020} & \emph{Tier 1 and 2 Tech}\\
& Performed troubleshooting, repairs, and upgrades on customer computers, performed network setup, and estimated customer solutions.
Also participated in a variety of more complex 'one off' projects for clients with specific needs.\\
\textsl{Aug 2020} & Bachelors in Computer Science at NDSU, with minor in Mathematics\\
\textsl{est. May 2023} & \textsl{Subjects Studied}
\item Java
\item C\#
\item Agile software dev
\item Databases
\item Algorithms and Data Structures
\item Linear Algebra
\item Mathematics up to Calc II
%get rid of partial degree, say degree is in general studies.
\textsl{Aug 2016} & AA in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Alexandria Technical and Community College\\
\textsl{May 2020} & \textsc{gpa} 3.3\\
&\textsl{Subjects Studied}
\item Mathematics up to Calc I
\item Technical and Creative writing
\item Drafting and detailing
\item AutoCAD and AutoDesk Inventor
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
\section*{Technology Skills}
2020-05-31 21:31:29 -05:00
\item Java
\item Python
\item Scientific data processing
\item Linux BASH scripting.
\item Linux/UNIX command line and GUI use
\item Linux/UNIX administration
\item Basic network administration
\item NGINX reverse proxies
\item NGINX and apache experience
\item SSH remote management
\item Proxmox VM management
\item Physical computer maintenance and repair
2021-04-12 16:31:11 -05:00
\item \LaTeX document writing.
%\item Experience with ansible, pf sense, openwrt, and docker.
2020-05-31 21:31:29 -05:00
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
\section*{Other Experience}
2021-06-09 02:15:45 -05:00
\textsl{current} & Home networking lab\\
\textsl{2019} & Run a home network consisting of 2 physical servers and 4 Virtual machines doing a variety of tasks, such as a DNS, an NGINX reverse proxy, and several webservers serving static and dynamic content. Currently running: Nextcloud, GitTea, and a static website.\\
2021-06-09 02:15:45 -05:00
\textsl{2019} & Student representative for Minnesota State College Association Technology Council\\
\textsl{2018} & Represent the student bodies of two year colleges in the Minnesota State Technology council in deciding on technology related policy and procedures.\\
2020-05-31 21:31:29 -05:00
\textsl{2019} & LeadMN Platform Committee representative for west central region\\
\textsl{2017} & Represented ATCC, St.\ Cloud Tech, and Ridgewater Tech for LeadMN by serving on the committee in charge of LeadMN's platform document.\\
2020-05-31 21:31:29 -05:00
\textsl{2016} & FIRST Robotics team 3293 member\\
\textsl{2013} & Participated in the design, assembly, maintenance, and operation of four competitive robots in a team environment.\\
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00
\textsl{2012} & Cross-Cultural Experience\\
\textsl{2002} &Growing up in an international setting (Chad, Africa) has served to provide me with a diverse life experience rich in cross-cultural exposure.\\
2020-05-31 21:31:29 -05:00
2018-12-07 20:28:49 -06:00