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#this is my configuration file for dungon crawl stone soup, a staple game for my low end machines.
#set the veiwport. may need to be different on different machines
view_max_width = 81
view_max_height = 71
#the following section is from the base crawl settings, but it is not inculded by default. I am including it so I dont forget to turn it on on a new install.
# For players who are prone to leave labyrinths without picking up the
# loot, here is a way to avoid that: put the following snippet in your
# options file (init.txt or .crawlrc) and then macro the '<' key to
# ===safe_upstairs (do it in-game by pressing '~' or Ctrl-D).
function safe_upstairs()
if you.branch() == "Lab" then
crawl.formatted_mpr("Really leave this labyrinth?", "prompt")
local res = crawl.getch()
if string.lower(string.char(res)) == "y" then
# Add the following to your options file to automatically pick up
# armour for non-body armour slots (gloves, boots, etc.), if you don't
# already have an item equipped there.
add_autopickup_func(function(it, name)
if it.is_useless then
if it.class(true) == "armour" then
local good_slots = {cloak="Cloak", helmet="Helmet", gloves="Gloves",
st, _ = it.subtype()
if good_slots[st] ~= nil and items.equipped_at(good_slots[st]) == nil then
return true
# To automatically open the skill menu when starting a new game, add
# the following to your options file.
local need_skills_opened = true
function ready()
if you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then
need_skills_opened = false
#speed during variout multi-turn actions
travel_delay = 20
explore_delay = 10
rest_delay = 5
#these should be default, but just to be sure.
pickup_thrown = true
pickup_menu_limit = 1
default_autopickup = true
simple_targeting = false
easy_door = true
#colour stuff that should be default
friend_brand = hi:green
neutral_brand = hi:lightgrey
stab_brand = hi:blue
may_stab_brand = hi:yellow
heap_brand = reverse
feature_item_brand = reverse
trap_item_brand = reverse
#misc stuff
#mouse support on tty is strange
mouse_input = false
#make training manual by default
default_manual_training = true
#automatically pick up ammo used in starting weapons at game start
autopickup_starting_ammo = true
#pick up autopickup stuff when exploring
explore_greedy = true
#explore the perimiter of rooms first
explore_wall_bias = 10
#rest untill BOTH MP and HP are full
rest_wait_both = true
#rest before exploring
explore_auto_rest = false
#allow you to put on and take off items from the same screen.
equip_unequip = true
#auto butcher
auto_butcher = true
#be smart, eat the oldest stuff first
easy_eat_chunks = true
#ask for confirmation for one way stuff
warn_hatches = true
#warn on low MP
mp_waring = 10
#inscribe god gifts
show_god_gift = yes